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Apartment (Age 0-2): 40.635300, -73.900500
Condo (Age 2-7): 40.636300, -73.899000
Current House (Age 7 to Present): 40.630800, -73.910700
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Apartment (Age 0-2)

This is the apartment that my parents and I lived in until I was two years old. I have a very vague memory of this apartment. My parents described this apartment as small, but able to fit their needs at the time. After approximately, two years of living here my parents moved out because of complications with the landlord. 

1304 Remsen Avenue New York, United States of America
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Condo (Age 2-7)

My parents moved into this condominium when I was two. The size of the condo was small, but it was larger than the apartment we previously resided in. My parents decided to take a risk moving here, and the financial burden was overwhelming for them at first.  Shortly after we moved in, my brother was born.  My parents decided that they wanted to move again when I was seven because they wanted more space and for me and my brother to have our own rooms. I have nothing but fond memories living here. 

1364 East 92nd Street New York, United States of America
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Current House (Age 7 to Present)

My family moved to this house when I was seven, and we still live here currently. My parents decided to take another financial risk buying this house, but it was worth it to them. This house is bigger than the condo and has a backyard as well. I am grateful that my parents decided to move here, because I have made many friends on this block, and I know my neighbors well. We live a considerable distance from the L train; I have to take the bus to the train whenever I commute. 

Paerdegat 4th Street New York, United States of America