After learning how much housing affects someone entire life projection It’s upsetting to read Jackson’s story and learn how much racism in society influenced how government shaped peoples lives. I always thought that government should be partial, just as judges have an obligation to be partial based on the laws not their emotions, I always thought that government had the same obligation to do its best to help the less fortunate, even if they don’t share the same political views. However, this isn’t practical in America’s political system. Because, although red lining was based on the racist views of the committee, that committee is based on the people elected to represent their constituents, so it isn’t the governments fault, rather it’s a consequence of an elected prejudice body of government representing the racist views of the people who elected them.

I think the most upsetting part to me was that they considered any other race, besides white, as a threat to a neighborhood. So even if an African American were to become successful, they could not move into a good neighborhood without “degrading” it. This reminds me of Ida Mae’s story of the famous jazz singer who moved into an affluent white neighborhood. She made a comment that it wasn’t as if a woman was moving in, but instead a bomb. At first when I read this I just thought of how racist and infuriating the neighbors are, but I didn’t realize that the government did the exact same thing, except with more authority and influence over whole neighborhoods.