What struck me most about this article is how history repeats itself in so many ways. It happened so many years ago and it still happens today that our bipartisan system is unable to find solutions to major problems. The two major parties constantly go around and around over major issues, often taking years to find a solution both parties can come to a vote over and be okay with. Its shocking to me that after so long, we have not found a fix to this system.

Housing is one of these major issues that the system still has not found a fix for. It is a huge problem, especially in New York, and yet we still have not fixed our housing system. Of course, over time the system has gotten better, but it is still not a great system. I think a major issue with this is when government officials said they wanted to wage war on poverty it sounds all good and noble in theory, but in reality they end up waging a war on poor people instead. They let public housing projects fall into disarray and neighborhoods become increasingly segregated. Racist housing practices from all those years ago had such a lasting effect that you can still see the remnants of them around New York City today.