Tenant Interests:



  • Get better at interviewing
  • Work on time management (don’t procrastinate)


  • Improve presentation skills
  • Don’t procrastinate, pull my own weight in the group


  • Improving editing and grammar skills
  • Don’t procrastinate


  • Improve presentation skills
  • Stay on task in the group, don’t procrastinate



Primary: Lead group communication

Secondary: Oversee operational responsibilities of the group


Primary: Keep group updated on research progress

Secondary: Work on PowerPoint formatting


Primary: Keep everyone on track regarding due dates

Secondary: Edit visual PowerPoint content


Primary: Work on written content of PowerPoint

Secondary: Assist in finalizing the presentation


Should Rent Regulation Exist?

Roy Lin

  1. Goals:
  1. Perfect my deliveries of thoughts and ideas through talking & connecting with more interviewees.
  2. Delegate enough time to the task so we have a cushion zone if any emergency comes up
  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Connect and reach out to rent regulated tenants
  2. Compile research to support findings

Richard Tang

  1. Goal:
  1. Leading initial outreach
  2. Interview tenants to get deeper sense of the effects of rent regulation on tenants
  3. Analyze the trends rent regulation has gone through over time
  4. Design a powerful powerpoint deck adds to the value of the presentation
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Hold more meaningful conversations by asking more thoughtful questions
  2. Practice presentation skills to convey thoughts and ideas more elaborately and tell a meaningful story

Michelle Zhang

  1. Goals:
  1. Improve on speaking and pitching and idea and presentation skills
  2. Prioritize time more efficiently
  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Interview enough people
  2. Creative aspect of powerpoint

Asiyah Khan

  1. Goals:
  1. Complete designated tasks in a timely fashion.
  2. Better understand rent regulation through the stories of tenants.
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Research both sides of the argument.
  2. Organize the flow of our research in the presentation.

State and City Division of Responsibility:


-Get better at explaining work to people who are seeing it for the first time

-Develop ability to see the big picture – think about how changing a policy would affect current balance of rent-regulation systems (don’t get caught in the small stuff)


-Drive research to learn about the history of policy allocation so we are well-read going into potential interviews

-Consider counter-arguments to the solution we are considering presenting


-Improve skills on analyzing data

-Develop presentation skills in professional settings


-Create and manage the powerpoint/prezi/google slides

-Set up times and dates for practicing the presentation


-Improve interpersonal skills, such as by practicing speaking in front of a group of people

-Enhance ability to analyze available data and draw conclusions


-Make sure we stay on task and keep up with deadlines

-Check to see if our PowerPoint slides are presentable and aren’t filled with grammatical errors


-Improve public speaking skills

-Improve data analytic skills


-Reach out to people we may potentially interview

-Interview people we are considering


Owner Issues

Group Members Goals


  • Work on communicating with group members
  • Connect on an emotional level with people
  • Prepare the presentation portion itself well before the due date


  • Improve time management skills in regard to balancing school and work loads
  • Work on improving communication skills w/in our group


  • Work on personal organization skills
  • Become more confident and comfortable communicating with strangers


  • To work on making own idea more cohesive
  • Work on time management


  • Become better at following up with people
  • Become a better presenter

Group Members Responsibilities


  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Design Presentation


  • Working with people conducting the interviews and doing research
  • Gather and organize relevant information for the content of presentation


  • Public Outreach
  • Interviewing
  • Organization of material for presentation


  • Interviewing
  • Make sure there is enough material for presentation
  • Visual Elements


  • Finding relevant background – info for interviews
  • Finding relevant people to interview