Macaulay Seminar 4, IDH 4001H, Prof. Botein, Spring 2018

Author Hilary Botein

Welcome back!

Hi all – I hope you had a good break and are energized to focus on rent regulation for the next 6 weeks or so! Here are a few clarifications and reminders about this week: It’s not on the syllabus,… Continue Reading →

Equality of Opportunity Study Findings

Here are some links to and about the Equality of Opportunity study that we discussed in class yesterday. Here is a New York Times article describing the study findings: Here is an interactive tool that the NYT developed that… Continue Reading →

Special Reading Response for Thursday’s class on Reparations

Hi everyone — for Thursday’s class, we are guiding your reading responses. Imagine that Ta-Nehisi Coates and Kevin Williamson are meeting in a coffee shop to discuss reparations. Write a dialogue of approximately 400-700 words between the two men, starting… Continue Reading →

NYT article about displaced rent stabilized tenants

Here’s an article about landlords who “renovate” their rent-stabilized apartments with the strategy of pushing tenants out



Hempstead school takeover

Here’s an article Serena located that describes the school situation in Hempstead, which seems to have many similarities to Jamaica High School as described by Jelani Cobb.

Article on Airbnb legislation

Here’s an article Serena located that describes a fight in the state legislature about whether or not Airbnb rentals should be banned

Classroom Code of Conduct

DO: Take notes Eat food that is quiet and doesn’t smell Walk out of the classroom capable of recalling the topic of the class Ask questions if you don’t understand Give your full attention to anyone speaking Try to participate… Continue Reading →

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