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Sound Pollution

Posted by: | December 14, 2014 | 8 Comments |

This semester we have been discussing plastic pollution and the various ways it negatively affects the ocean’s life forms and environments. We all know how plastic is often ingested by sea-roaming birds and other animals, causing illness and death in most cases. And while the plastic problem continues to wreak havoc on the Earth’s waters, we […]

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In recent years, there seems to be a growing number of studies on bisphenol-A that contradict each other. One study claims that BPA is somehow linked to child obesity, while more popular studies propose that BPA is an “endocrine disruptor” (a chemical that mimics the structure of certain endocrines, like estrogen, and disrupts the balance of […]

under: Uncategorized

Various types of plastic items, like shampoo bottles, water bottles and caps, bubble wrap and other types of packaging are in the largest category of land-based solid waste. Many of these items get introduced into water sources and eventually the ocean. Of course, the majority of fish, birds, and other aquatic organisms are not able […]

under: Marine plastics
