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Posted by: | September 7, 2014 | 5 Comments |

For today’s BioBlitz, I was assigned to survey the plants in the New York Botanical Garden. The process of surveying which type of plant species we were looking at is by pointing out the details of the branch or leaves of the plant and then checking a guidebook to find out which species was similar to what we found. We also used 10x magnification microscopes to have a closer look of the plants.

One species we found was called the Sassafras Albidum. What distinguished this plant from others is that the Sassafras has two differently shaped leaves, one oval shaped and the other amoeboid shape. Also, the smell of the insides of its branches smelled like a exotic delicious tea.


For one certain plant, we used a different tactic. We played 20 questions to figure out what species the Lobelia Siphilitica (or the bell flower) was. We asked questions like what color was the flower or whether it had irregular or regular symmetry, and by using this table in one of our guidebooks, we were able to determine the identity of the flower.

Both of these ways are successful in determining these species because they use observation to reach conclusions and ultimately, collect satisfactory data.


I think the most important think that I learned from the BioBlitz is how to differentiate poison ivy from other plants. Poison Ivy has a three-leaf pattern where one leaf with one point at its end is in between two other leaves with their point on their side.


-Adiell Melamed

under: Bioblitz


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