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Bird Watching at BioBlitz

Posted by: | September 9, 2014 | 8 Comments |

Coming in to BioBlitz on Sunday afternoon, I was excited to venture off into the New York Botanical Garden to look for birds and analyze the biodiversity of the environment. When my group gathered, we received some binoculars and set off to look for an area to find birds. Our professional, Todd, explained to us that there would probably be a more diverse population in the lesser managed areas of the garden since it most matches the birds’ natural habitats. Unfortunately, when we headed off to those areas, we did not find as many birds as we hoped. We mostly heard them, but it was difficult to find them through all the leaves and branches everywhere. We spent most of the time waiting and tilting our heads upwards to attempt to take a glance at some birds. Todd attributed this scarcity to the large amounts of students going through the area with the same idea as us and the afternoon time of day when birds have little need to fly around compared to the morning when they would fly around looking for food. To combat this issue, Todd took out an electronic device filled with numerous bird callings, such as that of a bluejay and a songbird. He also began to call out smaller birds with his own voice in a soft whispering sound. Again, we had little luck with these methods. We learned that electronic recordings are not very good methods for finding birds because birds can recognize the manmade sounds and not respond to them. We visited many different kinds of areas, such as shady, woodsy land, marshland, and fields with brightly colored flowers. Each of those types of environments had unique aspects about them which attracted certain kinds of birds.

We were able to hear a large variety of birds, from a bluejay to an American robin to a various species of woodpeckers. The bluejays were one of the most common birds to hear, mostly because they imitated the sounds of many other birds. Todd noticed the difference between the actual bird and a bluejay based on the strength of sound. There were a few birds that we saw on branches, flying above us, and standing on the dirt. When they were flying, Todd would recognize them based on their underwing design, the way that they flapped their wings, and how fast they flew. I was amazed by how quickly Todd could recognize all the birds we heard and saw.

I realized that bird watching requires a lot of patience and quick thinking. Birds often avoid foreign creatures and can easily hide between leaves and branches of tall trees. By staying still and diligently observing the environment for a long time, one can eventually find these swift-moving animals. Since they fly at a fast rate and at a high altitude, bird watchers must also be very well-versed in the species of birds and be able to identify a bird within seconds. Todd told us that he had been watching and studying birds for all his life. He always had a passion for watching birds since he was very young and thus learned about the hundreds of species of birds, their callings, and their coexistence with the rest of the garden. I learned a lot about the wide range of birds that live in the New York Botanical Garden and the different ways that they can be recognized. I may not be a professional birdwatcher, but I do know about certain details to look for when searching for birds.


Looking for birds on the trees through binoculars


An example of brightly colored flowers where hummingbirds usually stay.


A bird at flight


A marshland area where other types of birds can be found.

under: Bioblitz


  1. By: Sara Brown on September 11, 2014 at 12:27 am      Reply

    The bioblitz sounds interesting! I was intrigued by your mention that electronically recorded bird calls are less effective than in-person bird calls. I did some research and found this study http://www.riverforks.com/docs/AcousticSurveysofBirdsUsinganOmnidirectionalMicrophone_000.pdf
    that claims that electronically recorded bird calls are actually highly effective tools to be able to identify and track bird populations in large forested areas. It should be noted that the study was published in 2002, but the research here is overwhelmingly positive.

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    エルメス時計スーパーコピー ビート秒針について非常にクールなことはそれがこのメカニズムが働く方法を見ることができる運動の白骨化したオーバービューが存在するということです。実際には、これは私が考えることができる最初の時間を私は死んでいる秒針が実行される(図を見た。私はディウィットの時間の2つの理由のためにこのようにして設計されたデウィット・学界は思っています。1つの特定のからくりを死者の秒針が動くのを許す見解を提供するために、第2のように微妙なのが「これは、確かにではなく、クォーツ時計です。」 http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N51210.html

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    ウブロ1のウブロ2に移行し、現在は社内製造設備の大半を内蔵している。鼓膜を麻痺させるいくつかのcnc機械の騒音ウブロ2の第1のフロアを支配します。熟練した機械工の各成分のウブロの厳格な基準を正確に設計を確実にする努力。その古い時計用語でないことにもかかわらず、ウブロの名前の品質と同義です。 IWC時計コピー その35年の歴史を通して、ウブロおそらく大胆なデザインでより広く関係していました、しかし、この新しい機能は、ブランドについて真剣に発達する評判の時計市場で深刻な革新者としてであることを示した。 http://www.ooowatch.com/tokei/vuitton/index.html

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    ここでは、Æ、ダイヤル灰色を拾うために働いたミッドグレー色のパッド入りのワニだったが、与えない手首の上で見るのがあまりに暗い。それは少しのポーランドのそれには同様に、それはよりおしゃれな観察を与えます。フィットが行く限り、これは1つの箱からの大きな右でした。論理的には、パッド、ストラップは、あなたの腕の下の前に停止し、減少した大きさとバックルによってテーパ面滑り、簡単に時間を意味します。また、ストラップを手首に時計の快適性に大きく貢献しました。 http://www.newkakaku.com/boq1.htm

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    ロレックススーパーコピー がリリースしたポルトガル年間カレンダーの新しい動きと有用な合併症にもかかわらず、誰でも喜ばせませんでした。はい、多くの人々は、iwcのポルトガル年間カレンダーが好きでした、しかし、多くの不満を時計のサイズが大きすぎると、それは非常に高価であった。 http://www.ooobag.com/wallet/louisvuitton/index_11.html

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    これは北京の札を2008オリンピック記念で創作の1項のエナメル陀のはずみ車の腕時計、限定30匹。パネライ時計コピーエナメル文字板の上半分は直径0 . 04ミリ黄金素子制のオリンピックスタジアム――鳥の巢、鳥の巢の上に2匹のリュウキュウツバメを振るうように立て、ささやく、鳥の巢の下部の両側の各何枝芽が初の春柳の風に揺れて。柳に陀はずみ車の中華霊燕羽ばたく、腕時計を添えた多くの情趣。全体の時計はデザインの調和、生き生きして、エナメル文字盤のような一枚の水おしろいスケッチを含んで、鳥の巢の春暁のロマンチックな感情。 http://www.ooobrand.com/bags/hermes/638.html

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