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Class Definitions of Science

Posted by: | September 10, 2014 | 1 Comment |

It’s only appropriate that we started our Science Forward seminar by thinking about the definition and practice of science in a general sense. Here are some of the definitions that you offered:

From Julia’s group: “Science is the use of empirical evidence and previous theory to draw conclusions about a certain field of study. To be scientific is to be methodical and skeptical in gathering information to support or disprove a hypothesis.”

From Maria’s group: “Science is the field of study concerning discoveries, accidents, and a never-ending fostering of curiosity.”

From Renee, Adiell, Viviane and Adam: “Science is an ever changing way of looking at the universe with a critical lens and trying to find the most likely answer for things by using observation and other methods specific to different fields of study.”



under: Science

1 Comment

  1. By: mattrosenthal on September 11, 2014 at 12:06 am      Reply


    This video is very interesting- the speaker, Ben Goldacre, explains the difference between “good” science and “bad” science, while also giving us ideas as to how we can more effectively scrutinize our sources.
    For example, he explains that authority is a very weak form of evidence. Ben states, “We are also unimpressed by authority because it is so easy to contrive.” In other words, you should not just belief a “piece of evidence” because someone of high prestige has advocated it. Instead, people should look for why something might be true, using multiple sources and always questioning what is being posited as “fact” (and by whom). Using your science senses to scrutinize evidence and scientific claims can help you make decisions that are better for yourself and for your community.

    Watch the video!

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