Bursar Holds

What to do if you have a Bursar hold:

  1. Make sure you’ve filed your FAFSA and TAP for 2023-2024. If you are selected for Verification of any information on those applications you should follow up immediately or jeopardize your eligibility for federal, state and Macaulay aid.
  2. Pay your student fees. Unless the total amount of your financial aid (PELL, TAP, Valone Scholarship, etc.) equals more than the tuition charge ($3465) you owe fees. You can find a breakdown of these fees here: https://www.brooklyn.edu/bursar/tuition-and-fees/undergraduate/
  3. If you receive TAP, check the FACTS website to make sure the courses you are taking are eligible. If they aren’t, speak to your advisor asap.

When to email Ms. Grant in Financial Aid:

  1. If you have examined your financial aid and determined that your aid listed is not enough to cover your tuition.
  2. If you were denied TAP because of family income. The MHC waiver must be manually posted to your account.
  3. Email Mgrant@brooklyn.cuny.edu and cc macaulayhonorsfinaid@brooklyn.cuny.edu. Include your emplid.

When to contact the Bursar’s Office:

  1. If the aid is equal to or greater than the tuition and a bill is still due. You should contact the Bursar’s Office to review payments due.
  2. You can go in person to the Enrollment Services Center (ESC) or call (718)951-5200 for assistance.

What you should do every semester:

  1. Pay your student fees before each term begins.
  2. Periodically review your CUNYfirst account.
  3. Tuition charges and payment by financial aid including the Macaulay tuition waiver should be tracked.