Immigrants and Religious Freedom

The reading gave me a quick refresher of what the United States history is all about. In the colonial era, we get a good understanding of how the nation was established. Migrants from around Europe left behind almost everything they had and came to the Americas. Some for economic purposes and others in search for a religious haven. The essence and the growth of these great cities across North America was due to theĀ diligence, better life seeking individuals that migrated.

It is sad to see that in modern day we hear rhetoric in our political system that promotes bigotry and hatred towards certain religious groups and certain immigrants. These folks are running to become the leaders of this nation, this nation that is the foundation of immigrants and religious freedom. To see how viciously they criticize and attack certain groups because they are either immigrants or have a different religious practice and be able to get away with should spark an outrage by the people. Such politicians should notice shunning and shut down by the American people. However, the sad reality is that many agree with them. Most are ignorant of the fact that their ancestors can be traced back to European immigrants that may have fled for religious freedom. How can such people oppose and hate immigrants and a groupĀ of people that practice a different religion, when the establishment of this nation was by immigrants that seeked religious freedom?

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