The Needs of the Community

“Community development emerges in the context of the current limitations of the capitalist political economy to fulfill the needs and desires of the community.” (DeFelippis and Saergert, 5)

That is what the authors believe that community development should be used for. This does not seem to hold true in the case of  the Flushing West rezoning. DeBlasio has stated the rezoning across the city is done to improve the community, but that is not what the community needs. Communities are important for the well being of the workforce, but the local workforce in Flushing is still stuck with low wage jobs.

The development only had the input of the wealthy. The local institutions didn’t give power to the poorer minorities. The organizations that the community does have ties with don’t have the power to affect the rezoning. The City Council has voted to approve DeBlasio’s plan, despite the Community Boards advising them to veto it. Activists in other areas affected by rezoning have called for giving the Community Boards veto power in land use cases. The people of Flushing will have maximize their collective capacity, and use all their resources to protect their community.

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