BioBlitz 2014 – Lichen

I came to the BioBlitz event expecting to work with fish, but instead, I was put into the lichen group. I did not know what a lichen was when I first heard the word. When I finally saw how it looked like, I realized that I’ve seen this organism plenty of times before but had never given much thought to what it was called and what its purpose was.

Lichens are made up of algae and fungi, which form a symbiotic relationship. The algae provide the necessary nutrients for the fungi, while the fungi provide a stable environment for the algae. In order to find a wide range of species of lichen, my group and I searched a forest area in the New York Botanical Garden. Lichens can come in three different forms: crustose, foliose, and fructicose. During the BioBlitz, we used a book that helped us determine which species of lichen we found. This process can be difficult because some species look very similar to one another. We also used a chemical test with potassium and chloride, which created color changes on the lichens and helped us further narrow down the correct species. Throughout the day, we found six different species of lichen. The species we found were the common greenshield, the powderthorn, the whitewash lichen, the fluffy dust lichen, the powder-tipped shadow lichen, and one unidentified species. These specimens were found on rocks and trees.

This experience definitely changed my understanding of nature in New York City. I usually have to take a long drive to the mountains in order to experience the fresh air and green surroundings that living in the city does not provide me with. I got a chance to walk through a forest area that one can find in a green space within the city. While searching for lichens, I realized that there are many things in nature that we overlook that are important to the environment. I did not pay much attention to the lichens I often see on tree bark, but at the end of the day, I found out that lichens go through photosynthesis to make oxygen that they provide for other organisms. Lichens also help with soil formation. This experience showed me that there are locations in New York City that help to preserve nature and the organisms that positively contribute to our environment. I am always surrounded by busy streets and tall buildings so it was refreshing to be able to see a quiet and green area that can keep the different species of organisms safe from disturbance.

The process of searching for lichens required patience because they can easily camouflage with the tree bark and rocks. One of the species we found could not be identified, which may mean that we found a new species. It was really exciting to be able to find something new, and that is what scientists experience when they work to gather new data and findings. Lichens have the ability to absorb pollutants, and scientists can then take samples to determine how much of a pollutant is found in an environment.


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