GMOs are natural?

Is it possible for genetically modified organisms to appear naturally? It appears so, according to the Science Daily article entitled “Spontaneous GMOs in nature: Researchers show how a genetically modified plant can come about.” A study conducted at Lund University in Sweden shows that horizontal gene transfer has occurred between two species of plant: the Festuca ovina and the Poa palustris. DNA analysis has showed that a small part of the Poa palustris’ chromosome was transferred into the DNA of the Festuca ovina. Specifically, the gene was for an enzyme named PGIC, which is specific to the Poa palustris plant. The method of gene transfer is suggested to be from a parasite or pathogen, like a virus. The researchers are certain that the gene was definitely a result of a transfer because the two species of plant are not viable for reproduction. The way in which this gene jump occurred is unclear, though researchers assume that a sap-sucking insect may have assisted the pathogen/parasite from first plant to the next.
The researchers and authors of this article seem to have some bias towards the debate concerning GMOs. The researcher is explicitly quoted about the fact that GMOs may spread to the natural world is a very weak and unimpressive argument. This shows that he is biased towards the side where GMOs are completely safe and very beneficial and as this research suggests, natural. In reality, this research was only done a few years ago and so, it is not too clear whether GMOs are natural or not. Imposing this point upon the reader doesn’t give much room for debate, since it is simply stated, with no counter argument for it. The article only makes use of one research study from a Swedish university. This is geared towards one side of the controversial GMO debate, unlike other articles that may incorporate both sides of the argument.
This article focuses on the findings of one research study, concluding that GMOs can be found in the natural world. It suggests that GMOs are naturally occurring and have been like so for hundreds of thousands of years. However, it only makes use of one research publication, which makes it a very biased article. Some readers may not be so critical in analyzing the article and may find relief in the fact that this article states that GMOs are perfectly safe and natural. This is not the case because more research has to be done and the effects it has on us due to its consumption. This article proves on side of the GMO debate very well, but lacks an explanation or acknowledgement of the various other unproven debate points about these controversial food items.
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