All posts by tcornelisse

Urban Ecology Module for 10/24

For class on 10/24 we will be taking on roles as we consider whether a city should accept a grant to enhance bee habitat in its urban parks. We will be discussing the social, ecological, and economic reasons why this might be a good or not so good decision. The following Module has two parts: the first is a background on general urban ecology and NYC Million Trees, with discussion questions that you should answer and bring to class. The first part also includes a table where you will fill in factors to consider in regards to NYC Million Trees initiative. Fill in Table 1 and bring it to class, as it will help you mentally prepare for the Urban Bees Part 2, that we will complete in class. You should read and complete up to page 8.

Bring your computers so that you can research your role (it will be assigned in class) and your acting abilities 🙂

Download (DOCX, 2.9MB)

Instructions: Is this science?

Find an article on a contentious scientific issue in the news- examples could be fracking, climate change/solutions, GMOs, species conservation, etc.  While I prefer it to be environmental in nature, you can also chose a current topic that relates to social issues, and thus environmental issues, such as disease outbreaks, like the current concern over Ebola.
Once you have chosen your article, use the critical analysis handout (critical-thinking-kruse) to analyze the article for its evidence and biases. What is/are the main conclusion(s)?  Assumptions? What evidence does the author use? Is it scientific? Does the author or person referenced in the article show biases? Do they persuade the reader towards one conclusion or another? Is the evidence balanced? What are the consequences or implications of the article’s conclusions? When thinking about these questions, you can do some additional research and/or think about the course readings to back up what you conclude. The analysis should be 300-500 words.

Due: on blog before class on 10/17

Potential article sources for Is this/What is Science?

Potential resources for thinking about climate change in the news:

New York Times coverage of Global Warming and Climate Change:

The Ebola Files: Given the current Ebola outbreak, unprecedented in terms of number of people killed and rapid geographic spread, Science and Science Translational Medicine have made a collection of research and news articles on the viral disease freely available to researchers and the general public.

Here is a resource page on fracking:

10/10 Readings and Podcast

For 10/10 Please find an article on a contentious environmental issue, for example: solving climate change, fracking, GMOs, etc.

We will be discussing what counts as scientific evidence and you should come with an understanding of the basic idea of these articles- since there are a few, you can skim them or at least read the abstract and conclusions, as well as check out the figures:

IPCC case for cities

GMOs feeding the world

Why GMOs?

Also listen to the RadioLab short (~20 mins) on the Taung Child skull and think about the evidence needed to figure out what it all meant! There is a replica of this skill at AMNH, so you can see it on our field trip in November!


9/23 Readings

September 23

Kinzig, A. P., Warren, P., Martin, C., Hope, D., & Katti, M. 2005. The effects of human socioeconomic status and cultural characteristics on urban patterns of biodiversity. Ecology and Society, 10, 23


McPhearson, T., Kremer, P., & Hamstead, Z. A. 2013. Mapping ecosystem services in New York City: Applying a social–ecological approach in urban vacant land. Ecosystem Services, 5, 11-26.

McPearson et al. NYC