As +FARM 2013 concludes, the Hunter-Artist Cabin lives on, atop a wild ridge ‘neath blue skies….

During the intensive week of design and construction, 13 brave souls dared to dream and build, with the support of learned professors and craftsmen, a fully functional cabin ideal for hunters and artists in the humble town of Perrysburg.

Each team, the Ground and the Skin toiled on the sun-blazed hills for what seemed like an endless week…

The tasks for the Skin team were to design a system for the cabin exterior, to devise a method for constructing this skin, and to implement the most efficient strategies for assembly and installation on site. The Ground team was responsible for providing a stable structure that could be walked, sat, and laid upon, which involved developing an effective yet simple truss made from limited materials in as little time as possible, as well as staying true to the designed program and experience. Together, the Ground and Skin teams assembled the overall structure of the cabin, and accomplished what seemed impossible from the rocky start.

Hunter-Artist Cabin 2013Well done team.