NYC Art for Climate Control

At 1:30 PM on Monday, September 21st, 2020, artists Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd unveiled their newest art piece in Union Square, NYC: The Climate Clock. The ticking time time bomb estimates that our planet only has around seven years left before it is completely depleted of its carbon budget and the damage is irreversible. The project is a constant reminder to each passerby that change is desperately needed and needed now. When I heard about this in the news, it reminded me of when I attended the Global Climate Strike in September 2019. My high school participated in the NYC walkout for the climate protest, and I’ve attached some of my favorite photos that I took from that day. It was an inspiring experience, and I’m thankful to have been a part of it. Some quotes in the photos read, “When leaders act like kids, kids act like leaders.” and “No time to waste.” I’ve also attached a link if you’re interested in hearing more about the Climate Clock. I hope this artwork motivates not only New Yorkers but the whole world to treat our planet with kindness.

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