My Cats

The other day, my cat, Dorney, showed up for class, getting in the way of my computer and in general being a funny guy. I’ve been told this would be a sufficient blog post, however I’d be remiss if I only showed off one cat, as I actually have four cats. Here is a collection of images I took, presenting each feline.

This is Dorney, we’ve all seen him, he is the most friendly cat I have, and low-key my favorite. I picked him out as a kitten. His eyes are closed because I picked him up out of a deep sleep he was in. He might get mad at me for this, however since he is a cat he will not remember the incident an hour from now.
This is Sage, the eldest of my cats and also the most wise. I’m kidding, most cats are stupid. If you notice, she only has one eye. This is because Dorney clawed at a part of her other eye, permanently blinding her. But because they are cats, they’ve forgotten all about that now.  She has hip problems which causes her to stride in a funny way. In my eyes, she is built more like a bulldog than a cat. She is great.
This is Mia, second youngest cat and often regarded as the most beautiful, though you probably cannot tell from the position she is in in this image. She was once very skittish and shy, however now has toned down this behavior. Believe it or not, she would actually find her position shown her as comfortable, if given hind leg support. Because of this and other reasons, it is clear to me she is a very weird cat.

Before continuing, it is important to clarify that only three of my cats actually like me, and because of this, I cannot get a proper image of my fourth cat, Cookie, because she does not like me.(or most humans for that matter) The best I can do is provide a first person point of view of someone approaching her, as shown below.

POV: You’ve gotten somewhat too close to Cookie for comfort
POV: You’ve gotten way too close to Cookie for comfort

That concludes all of my cats, unfortunately you will likely only ever see Dorney on camera, as Cookie hates me, Sage is old and doesn’t like climbing the stairs to get to my room and Mia would rather lay on some cardboard and make pigeon noises, for some reason. Thank you!

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