Ash Bass-Adams

Person sitting by the water wearing a face mask

Hi everyone! My name is Aislinn Bass-Adams, but everyone calls me Ash. I was born in coastal Western Australia, in a town called Fremantle, and grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since I’ve lived in deserts for most of my life, my favorite areas of NYC are the green ones, like Prospect and Central Park. I especially love the small parks near the piers, like the one in my photo, although the East River is not quite the beaches of my childhood. At CCNY, I am majoring in Psychology, and when I imagine my future, I see myself using that degree to help people. The biggest goal in my life is to help make a difference in others, and I hold a lot of hope that my current course of study is how I can achieve that. Specifically, I’m very interested in exploring the psychological differences that our places of origin and cultures can have on us. Since I grew up on three continents, I have a lot of real-life experiences in cultural differences. But with all that experience, I can still safely say that NYC is like nowhere else on the planet. I can’t wait for a great year exploring the Big Apple!

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