The Arts in NYC Fall 2012

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Art Around the City

December 2012

RSS New York Times Arts Section

BuckyBall Exhibit

A few days ago, I was walking through Madison Square Park and I saw this exhibition called Buckyball, made by this artist Leo Villareal. It’s this 30-foot tall, illuminated sculpture that is made from LED tubes in geometric figures. This structure changes shape and color as time goes on, creating new figures all the time. Apparently, the artist’s intention was for the different shapes and colors to question our interpretation of time and space. Leo Villareal is known for using basic elements to make us question everyday functions. The sculpture is meant to trigger neurological impulses in our brain that look for patterns and make sense of our environment. I thought it was really cool how each separate interpretation of the BuckyBall represents a more general and philosophical idea. Underneath the BuckyBall are reclining couches that are designed to mimic the park benches. They allow you to view the BuckyBall from different angles as it changes its color and shape. The BuckyBall fits into the NY landscape because it represents the changing seasons and lights of Manhattan. The exhibit lasts through fall and winter, so you can see this exhibit in different settings and environments  which adds to the magic of the exhibit. Even though it’s not a major art exhibit, it’s one of those small things that makes you stop and think about the bigger concepts in life. I hope to see more of these small artistic pieces incorporated into my everyday travels in NY.


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