The Eye in NYC

2013-09-28 16.40.49


Today, I saw this at the 86th St. Station, The Eye of NYC. I completely passed by this without even noticing. Because of the delays, my eyes started to wander onto, coincidentally, onto an eye. From far away, it looked menacing and threatening, even. But close up, it was full of life, music, buildings, and culture. My favorite part was how theres a compass as the pupil. If I didn’t take a second glance at this, I would’ve missed the compass! I wonder what made the artist put together a piece that looks like an eye in the middle of the subway. Directly across the station, there is an identical eye but a different color. (I couldn’t take a picture because it was too far.) I also liked how this artwork is engraved into the tiles, and is part of the subway, part of NYC. Whose eyes are these? Why are the eyes across from each other rather than next to each other? Do you guys think there are other facial features in other subway stations?

One thought on “The Eye in NYC

  1. Alex

    Hi Teresa,

    Great post! I also see the culture, buildings, and the aspects of the eye that you mentioned. If you think of New York City, you will think of culture and diversity. If you narrow it down to New York City subways, you will think of all the excitement and interesting things that go on or you see just during one trip. This leads me to believe that the artist wanted to display the eye of someone who is walking in the city, and possibly the city subways. I think this is why it’s on a subway wall too. It’s somewhere most of us go and we can all relate to the eye for we see something similar everyday.

    Thanks for the post; it really makes you wonder why it’s there any what it shows.


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