Lizards in NYC

Lizard in NYC

Wow, that’s really cool, Nick, because I’ve always wanted to see a caterpillar in real life, but I never got the chance. however, I did end up spotting a lizard near our college. My friend was going to squash the poor thing like a cockroach, but I stopped him. I felt like watching him move on the floor was a work of art in itself. As a matter of fact, the lizard was a work of art himself, because of the arrangement and beauty of the prints and designs on his skin.
When I used to live in Florida, I would see lizards like I see rats and roaches in New York. So in a way, I felt really happy to see the lizard, probably because I remembered the life I had as a kid back when I used to live in Florida. The lizard had swift movements, and it was difficult to take a snapshot of him, but I got him in the end.Afterwards, I thought about how quickly we destroy animals and little creatures like these, but do you think it’s fair that I didn’t let my friend squash the lizard, but allowed him to squash the roach or centipede we saw previously? The lizard was just too pretty to destroy. He’s considered exotic when in comes to city animals, so my friend and I just left him alone after I was done taking the picture.  I’m going to definitely watch out for more exotic creatures, and so should everybody else who got a chance to see this!

One thought on “Lizards in NYC

  1. Lisa Puran

    Lubna! I love your post! Typically, when people hear the word “art,” they associate it with paintings and sculptures. However, just about anything can be art! I like how you said the lizard itself is a work of art and it had me thinking that in reality, we are all living pieces of art ourselves. At the end of the day, people will try to figure out who we are based on how we portray ourselves. I definitely agree that we sometimes take things for granted, such as killing a fly or a cockroach just because we see them as annoying. However, we should all learn to appreciate everything.

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