Complexions Review

I never would have thought that I would ever attend a ballet in my life, but I am glad that I can now say they I have. After Fun Home and out class trips, my expectations for the Complexions Ballet at the Joyce Theater were extremely high. After all, Fun Home was amazing, Meeting Greg Broom was great, and so on. Although, the dancers were amazing (even that may be an understatement) and the dances were very well coordinated, it fell below my expectations. That is not to say I did not enjoy it, I just thought I would like the performance as a whole much more than I actually did. Perhaps it was because they were not contemporary enough for me. It seems that the dances slowly progressed and became more and more modern.


It started off with a dance titled Moon Over Jupiter by Dwight Rhoden. The dance did have my attention for the most part, but that was mainly because it was the first time I ever watched a ballet. Their outfits were interesting and unexpected. Actually it was barely existent. I wonder why they chose those specific outfits for this dance. This number made me realize how much running and moving ballet really requires. To have to run off stage and run to their exact spot is very difficult but they executed it flawlessly. At times this dance was up beat but at many times it was slow, I was just wondering when they would move to the next dance.

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The second dance, Recur byAlejandro Cerrudo,  was slower than the first. I expected it to be faster. I just could not enjoy it. Although I do understand that the dancers cannot continuously do strenuous and quick dances. This must have been the time that dancers could relax more. Although it looked just as difficult.


The third number, Innervision by Jae Man Joo, was much better. It was upbeat for the most part and the music was much more lively. Although it was ballet, it added more modern aspects. The movements were faster and the emotions on the dancers faces were not serious like they were in the other two. It kept me awake and engaged and that is what I felt a performance should do.


My high expectation was probably unfair because it was the result of always enjoying our other class trips more than expected. My expectations for past trips were always much lower so that was likely the reason I always enjoyed them more. However, this was enjoyable and was a positive experience. It was when I realized that being so close to the stage is a strange experience. I could smell and see the sweat, hear  the movements, and see the emotions on the faces of the actors. Would I go to another ballet after this? Definitely, but I will pray they are more like the third number.



One thought on “Complexions Review

  1. CrisisMaven

    I think ballet is something one needs to see more than once presented by different troupes to begin to enjoy it. Like developing a taste for wine or understanding the structure of classical music it seems ton take several paradigmatic experiences of the “same” piece to be able to “read between the lines” (the only way I feel I can express it).

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