The Astor Place Cube

Hi all! So Michele’s post about the house in the bottle reminded me of this video, which describes how a man supposedly lives inside the Cube on Astor Place (obviously, this is not true. If you actually have seen the Cube in person, there aren’t any openings) but I just found it interesting how people were able to come up with such interesting ideas involving a sculpture that people pass by every day. As for me, I never took notice of the Cube until this video. I actually checked it out, with a couple of other classmates, before we headed to watch the play “Fun Home,” (we were actually able to make it move a little!!) and even though I was a bit disappointed that there was no one living in it, I was glad it made me more aware of a sculpture that has actually been existent for quite a while. Also, I was pretty amazed at how creative this video was; it was so descriptive, creative, and sounded like it made so much sense so people including myself actually believed there was someone in there.