MoMA – Members Only

While walking towards a group of seats with Stella and professor Eversley, we passed by an exhibit that was limited to MoMA members. Hoping we would be able to check out this special exhibit, professor Eversley took us with her to the exhibit before we interviewed her. The exhibit was called Retrospective – Isa Getzen and focused a lot on architectural design. The placement of the different sculptures, rocks, and installments amongst many other things seemed to have undergone a great deal of thought. My favorite installment in the exhibit is shown in the picture below. IMG_20131119_125110

Though the picture doesn’t really do the piece justice, it was really a sight to see. It just seemed like a bunch of frames put together from the side. It might have even resembled a building in progress if you gave it some thought. However, you realize just how grand the installment is when you look up. The installment seemed to stretch out towards the building from the view above. I thought the window was randomly a part of the room, used to bring some light to the exhibit. However, I discovered that it was all planned out…the lights, the window, the design, all of it was intentionally done. I felt a little foolish only considering the art within exhibits and now how and why they were placed in the areas they were.

The installments in the room were organized by time period and was mostly made up of architectural genius or emotion. There were blocks of stone piled together from a war in the beginning while there were futuristic plastic walls that seemed to represent buildings later on in the exhibit. Most of the art in the exhibit seemed self explanatory, but I have yet to understand what the piece in the picture below represents. It was rotating really slowly, but it just seems like melted wax on a stand to me. Am I missing out on the genius behind this piece or is it just what I see it to be?
