Visit to the Taglialatella Galleries

Last Thursday, I just wanted to take myself out, and walking up from our school, I hit tenth avenue, and discovered this art gallery called the Taglialatella Galleries. No, forget the complicated name of the place. The artwork was amazing! Take a look at the piece shown below. Its Mickey Mouse! IMG_20131205_131840[1]

This piece was done by someone called Mr. Brainwash, and is a stencil and mixed media piece on paper. There are old sections of newspaper behind MickeyMouse, and he’s standing smack in the middle of history. I thought this was really a piece of art. Mr.Brainwash is trying to tell us, the viewers, that times are changing, from an era of black and white to one with color. Not only that. Mr. Brainwash is also telling us that modern times and icons like Mickey Mouse are allowing us to forget the times of the past. Because Mickey Mouse is standing in the middle of the newspaper articles, it’s not that visible and our attention is just on Mickey. Maybe if he would get out the way, we would be able to catch up on some of that history. 

Mr. Brainwash also had this piece below exhibited at the gallery:IMG_20131205_131931[1]

Mr. Brainwash calls this piece Einstein, but its stencil and mixed media on canvas. His vivid use of colors and overlapping segments in his artwork shown here suggests a message: people are constantly changing with times, and are acquiring more rights and freedoms.  Science, technology, and innovation are causes and byproducts of these constant changes and human evolution. Whether positive or negative, change has to happen, and we have to learn how to accept it and adapt to it. That is what makes the piece so cool to look at: its creative, original, and unique.

Now, as far as I understand, an artist has a meaning behind the art, because the artist starts off with an idea. I’m not sure why Mr. Brainwash is calling himself Mr. Brainwash. One reason could be that the center of his artwork ( like Mickey Mouse) or objects in his art in general (like in Einstein) are brainwashing the public. Of course, that’ll remain a mystery, like the man behind Mr. Brainwash himself.