Food, Self, and Society

Who Dat?
February 9, 2010, 6:54 pm
Filed under: Patricia | Tags:

I love watching football – American football that is. I think it’s an awesome sport. What makes it even better is our family ritual of going over to my aunt’s house on Sunday afternoons to watch our beloved Jets try to make a better name for themselves (and they succeeded this year! :-) ) on her big screen tv. Inevitably there is tons of food. A typical Sunday involves chips, pretzels, some form of chocolate, either pizza, pasta, or sandwiches, and of course lots of beer.

This Sunday however, was the Sunday of all Sundays in the football world, and therefore it must be in our own football world (even though our Jets weren’t playing). Usually on Sundays friends and family come in and out. Some do a “pop-in,” others stay all day, but this Sunday, everyone stayed. In addition to the usual appetizers of chips, pretzels, and chocolate, there were mini pizzas, prosciutto balls, and chicken wings. The “main course” was a 6 foot hero, half with chicken cutlet, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, tomato, lettuce and balsamic vinegar, and the other half with various cold cuts. I did not eat the other half, therefore do not know the specifics. Along with the sandwich came multiple salads – macaroni, potato and pasta.

All the food was out all day and as we watched the game, caught up with one another, and relaxed, we pigged out. Everything was delicious and I remember eating more than my body wanted, but I couldn’t stop because it tasted so good. I definitely felt my “hoarding” gene taking over. While in some circles such over eating would not be accepted, it seems to be allowed on SuperBowl Sunday. It’s always allowed in my family but even this was a bit much.

The night ended with the football shaped cake from Carvel – which was delicious and covered with my favorite topping – chocolate crunchies. Everyone was happy with the outcome of the game. We were all rooting for New Orleans after we watched all the specials on their team and their personal struggles all day on CBS. They now have a soft spot in all of our hearts. Congratulations Saints! Who DAT?!

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