Food, Self, and Society

Fast Dilemmas
March 15, 2010, 12:00 pm
Filed under: Jon | Tags:

It has become increasingly difficult for me to eat fast food since having seen Fast Food Nation the other day.  It’s very hard to get certain images out of your head, and though I’d like to go into detail here, I’m not sure how squeamish each of my readers may be.  Therefore, I will refrain from many details.  That is, any details.  Suffice it to say, however, that it was with a look of disgust that I saw what I had instinctually ordered, without thinking: two cheeseburgers and a McChicken sandwich.  However, the McDouble was on the dollar menu, so they gave me two of those instead, and somehow misunderstood me and gave me two of the chicken sandwiches.  Anyway, I paid for my food and walked away to sit down at the counter by the window.  I had to rush to eat my food because I was going to be late for my LSAT class, so that look of disgust that I mentioned didn’t come until I was three-quarters of the way done with my first cheeseburger.

It was at that moment that I saw that cute little cow (obviously the cow wasn’t little, since it was something like 1100 pounds, but “cute” and “little” just go together) looking up at me from his pen, it was at that moment that I saw the slaughterhouse floor, cleaning the slaughterhouse, what happens to the cow in there… and I continued eating.  Sure, I paused… but ultimately, I had a class to get to, and didn’t really have the time to worry about the cow I was eating.

I hate to disappoint my loyal readers, but unfortunately this entry is going to be a (relatively) short one in comparison to what I’ve written in the past.  I can’t really think further at the moment about it.  I don’t have the luxury of the ability to be a vegetarian, plain and simple.

Moving on, my plans/ideas for the future:

  1. This Saturday night, watching Super Size Me with my sister and three or four friends, while eating McDonald’s.  The continuation of this idea would be to watch Fast Food Nation, too, but I don’t want to turn anyone into a vegetarian.
  2. I would really like to reconsider America’s farm policy.  Don’t ask me for details here.  I’ll talk about them another time, if I remember to.  Right now, I don’t remember specifically what it was I wanted to do, but the solution seemed easy and like it would fix everything.  I realize it is not that simple in practical reality, but it’s nice to think that it would be.
  3. For the duration of my life, I’d like to eat only grass-fed beef, when it’s available.

And that’s it for this week.  If any one of my loyal readers (via Facebook) has a request or something they’d like to see here, please, let me know.

Until next week, then, I bid you adieu.

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