Food, Self, and Society

New Lifestyle
March 16, 2010, 2:55 pm
Filed under: Patricia | Tags:

 Every year for lent I try to give up something that would be a challenge for me. Then I find that after the 40 days are over, I don’t really crave that item any more. One year I gave up peanut butter and haven’t eaten it by itself in a long time. I do, however, have a major soft spot for all things Reese’s. This year, like last year, I decided to give up soda. Unfortunately my experience with soda last year was not like the previous Lenten experiences; after the 40 days I still craved it. This year I decided to really take a stand against it, not only because it would be a challenge but because of the health benefits I would receive. After reading article after article about the dangers of high-fructose corn syrup I knew I had to cut down on my Coke intake. I decided to start my “diet” during lent because then if I cheated I wouldn’t just be breaking a promise to myself, I would be breaking a promise with God. Then I would be forever riddled with guilt (as goes the Catholic tradition).

While embarking on this no-soda journey, I decided to make some other lifestyle changes. I cut back on sweets, since the amount of sugar I intake will eventually lead to diabetes (a genetic predisposition of mine), stopped eating after 9pm (I’ve heard it’s better for digestion if you don’t eat three hours before going to bed. In addition to that I was usually eating after that time because I was bored and needed something to do), started an exercise regimen 3 days a week at the free (!) gym at school, and started eating breakfast with a glass of V-8 Fusion (thanks Ivan) to get my metabolism going . While I disguise this under the muse of self-sacrificing for Lent, it is really me trying to get my act together, take care of myself, and get a body I won’t be ashamed of on the beach.

As I struggle with my new lifestyle I look for alternative ways to quench my thirst. Ulimately water is the best choice and I even bought a reusable plastic thermos (BPA free) so I could be more eco-friendly. The only problem with that is, as I’m running around throughout the day I can’t seem to find places to fill it back up, so I’m stuck carrying an empty water bottle and forced to buy something else to keep me going. I just can’t bring myself to fill the bottle with sink water from a bathroom, I just can’t do it.

Aside from the water dilemma, I’m finding this new lifestyle relatively easy to deal with.  Once I got into the routine of going to the gym, I actually wanted to go – It felt good to release some tension and I can already feel a difference in my energy level and every day little things (such as not panting when I walk up the stairs). I read an article*  about how people are going about healthy lifestyles the wrong way. Most people just go on a diet to lose weight but then don’t keep up with their eating habits, therefore causing them to yo-yo. Exercising and eating healthy is also presented as something we “have” to do. It feels like a chore to most people, when it should actually be something they want to do. If people had the right attitude when approaching lifestyle changes they would be more willing to change. Diets don’t work, the way people eat and think about food has to change.

Trying to eat healthier requires effort, advanced planning, and know-how, the frankly most people don’t have the time to put in. One would think that since we eat so often and everything we put into our mouths has an effect on our overall well being we would be more interested in tkaing the time out to make smart choices, as opposed to spending that extra half hour watching television. But we can’t prioritize for everyone and ultimately it is up to the individual to make the decision for themselves.

*I searched for the article but could not find it again :( I will keep looking.

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