Food, Self, and Society

In search of something better
March 17, 2010, 12:50 am
Filed under: Ivan | Tags:

Ever since I started reading Omnivore’s Dilemma, I have been looking at ingredient labels in everything I buy and eat. It has become sort of a hobby to better my diet. I have stopped eating fast food, and have not ate red meat in a week. Earlier this week at my cafeteria I was standing next to the “fame grill” which serves all your diner needs: burgers, fries, wraps, etc… While I was waiting to order, I noticed the meat that was getting smacked onto the grill was frozen, and each red disk looked exactly the same. In a way the frozen red disks embellish the industrialized food industry today: uniformity is key. So instead of ordering a burger delux, I went for the grilled cheese on whole wheat bread with waffle fries. I figured since I’m not getting the burger I could at least get the greasy delicious spicy waffle fries. When i came home I started looking through my fridge for products that had ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, corn starch, etc… What surprised me was that the V8 fusion juice in my fridge contained high fructose corn syrup. More than that, it was the second ingredient on the list before water. The list of ingredients goes from most added to least added in the supplement, which means that aside from water, high fructose corn syrup is in this “healthy” drink more than anything else. I felt cheated on and lied to. Or, maybe I should have read the back sooner. Very quickly did I stop drinking V8 and started drinking this new fruit juice that had no added sugars. Although it gave less fruit servings, I was willing to compromise for the safety of my liver. I also started drinking more water, more greens, beans, hummus, whole wheat bread, and as far as meat goes I stick to fish. I thought to myself “at least they’re not getting fed corn, not YET at least…” Reading this book makes me miss the food I indulge myself in when I visit Serbia and Montenegro.

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