Food, Self, and Society

Tradition’s Folly
March 17, 2010, 6:49 am
Filed under: Jon | Tags:

Today is Saint Patrick’s Day, for the very few of you who may not have realized this yet.  Today, we’re supposed to eat corned beef and cabbage, and drink Irish beer (if, of course, you’re of the legal drinking age).  Of course, we don’t physically have to, but it feels as if we’re culturally compelled to, even if we’re not Irish, or of Irish descent, simply because we live in this country (but more specifically, because we live in New York City, and even more specifically, because I (and many of my readers) live on Staten Island).

I have one question regarding all this: why?

Doesn’t it seem a bit ridiculous to anyone else that we are compelled to eat certain foods on certain days?  I know no one is forcing us to eat them, and I don’t want to be accused of being un-American for not supporting the idea of eating what other Americans eat on specific days, but I maintain my position in that it’s more un-American to be compelled to do something that is of such little consequence.  (It’s even more un-American to define what it is to be “American,” other than to consider this country your home.

I should not limit myself to St. Patrick’s Day, however.  Why must we eat fish on Christmas Eve (this is an Italian tradition; I’m not sure if it exists in other cultures, and would be delighted for anyone who is not of Italian descent to tell me what their cultural traditions for this instance are)?  Why must we eat pasta on Sundays?  Why must we eat Turkey on Thanksgiving?  Truth be told, I like most of these foods, so I don’t mind the traditions.  What I do not like is the compulsion that one feels to eat these things on specific days.

And that’s just what food should be – it should be enjoyed, not mandated.  Now I’m off (or will be in a few hours) to have a corned beef and cabbage sandwich, with a side of Irish Soda Bread (with raisins), because I want one, because I like them.

Editorial Sidenote (despite this whole blog being an opinion piece, this is still an editorial side-note): For those of you who will be out partying and drinking today, please do so responsibly.  Thank you.

And with that, dear friends, I bid you adieu.

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