Food, Self, and Society

Caving In
April 6, 2010, 10:23 pm
Filed under: Jon | Tags:

Well, guys, I knew it had to happen eventually.  I gave in, and had McDonald’s at the mall yesterday.  The intention had been to go to Taco Bell, so yes, my temporary ban on fast food would have been over.  But to be fair, it was one of the 5-layer burritos they’ve been advertising for $.89… so it would have been worth it.  Except that for some reason, they don’t have that at the mall and were going to charge me nearly $4 for the same thing.  I tried to find a cheap item on the menu, and that was impossible.  I stormed off, in search of better, cheaper food.  There was literally nothing to get for a small budgeted meal (Nathan’s was suggested, but their value meals were no value  – again, the byproduct of the mall, given that the value meals at the Coney Island location are most certainly worth it.) except Burger King, and McDonald’s.  I chose the latter; they had a better dollar menu.  Of course, their advertising worked on me, and I went for the large fries and large drink to get a .99 cent Big Mac.  But whatever, I enjoyed it.  I’m still going to avoid fast food for as long as possible… but once in a while, I’ll deal with it.

The one thing I did not enjoy about the meal, however, was the crowd in the restaurant.  This by itself would not have been so bad, were it not for the women sitting at the table next to my sister and I, talking about the various things wrong with the bodies of other women in other subdivisions of their ethnic group.  It was disgusting – just leave people alone, first of all, and second of all, I’m here to enjoy my meal, not to listen to your conversation.  I realize that these are close quarters and a very informal environment, but please, try to keep your voice down.

Finally, there’s my upcoming trip to Montana, with 4 of my classmates at CSI and 8 other Macaulay students.  I’m very excited about this, and ordinarily I’d be gushing with details, except that it’s relatively late at night right now and I hadn’t meant to get to this topic anyway (to be honest, this post just kinda grew away from me, so to speak… my mind tends to keep going, a lot.  Sometimes that works to my benefit, sometimes it doesn’t.).  The point is, we need to be at the airport by 6:30 am, and will not be arriving to our destination (whether that means the hotel or simply the city of Missoula, I don’t know) until approximately 15 hours later.  Going in and out of airports and airplanes all day means airport/airplane food.  I’ve never really had a bad experience with either, so I’m not really complaining… I just think it should make for some interesting experiences.  I’ll update you when I get back, though I’ll probably post here again before I go (no guarantees, though).

Until then, my friends, I bid you adieu.

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