Food, Self, and Society

improvisation in the kitchen, might as well call it desperation.
April 14, 2010, 12:45 pm
Filed under: Ivan | Tags:

Yesterday morning I woke up fairly late, around 12, for my 2 o’clock seminar class. I love Tuesdays because nobody is home when I wake up and I can cook whatever I please without having to listen to complaint about how bad the apartment smells. I woke up with an empty stomach that was growling “FEED ME!!!”  So, I went to the ktichen to see what I could make for breakfast, even though it was half past 12 in the afternoon. Here is a list of things I found in my kitchen for the sole purpose of a deliciously filling breakfast that would make any French person or diabetic cry: Pancake mix, chocolate chip cookies, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream from costco, eggo maple syrup (which anyone could hardly call syrup), and of course my savior, Nutella. So I started off by whisking the pancake mix in with water and two eggs. After that I added the chocolate chips to the mix, along with some vanilla extract. Don’t ask me why, but I always see chefs use vanilla extract when they are making a desert mix, so I thought “why not!?”. I cooked the pancakes with a generous amount of butter. The mix gave out 4 flapjacks. Basically, I piled on a couple of scoops of ice cream, some maple syrup, and the whipped cream to top it all off. If you are wondering what I did with the Nutella, then you should know that I smeared a generous amount on the flapjacks before poouring the maple syrup, Yum! If this was ever on a menu at a restaurant, it would be called the “gut buster”. I actually couldn’t even finish the damn thing. I hung my white flag up about 3/4th of the way through, and threw the rest out. I always feel guilty throwing food out in the garbage. After the breakfast that should have been a brunch I felt full and tired, and a little horrible for feeding my body such unhealthycarbs. This is definitely a breakfast that SHOULD be shared and SHOULD be eaten no more than once a month. The concoction was amazing, an explosion of different sweet flavors in my mouth. The only thing that made me feel good about eating this was that the pancake mix was whole grain and supposedly ”healthy”, but ironically I turned it into an unhealthy guilty pleasure. Im just thankful for having a fast metabolism and burn most of what I eat through swimming.

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