Food, Self, and Society

Hallmark Holiday
February 15, 2010, 12:07 am
Filed under: Patricia | Tags:

Today is Valentine’s day, the “hallmark holiday.” I personally like Valentine’s Day. Everyone is much nicer and more considerate to one another. Some people do need a holiday to tell their loved ones how they feel. Since all the restaurants are ridiculously crowded on this day, its much easier and sometimes nicer to enjoy a meal at home with your loved ones.

This year, that is what my boyfriend and I decided to do. We both spent a lot of money on Christmas presents so we decided not to get each other anything big for Valentine’s day and we would have a nice day together just hanging out. I told him I had an idea for a little present for him and he could just do something nice like cook dinner. So he was going to cook dinner and I said I would make dessert.

Last week we were talking about what to make. I asked him he wanted and we decided on an Oreo cheesecake. yumm. So since I told him what I was going to make he decided to run his dinner idea by me. And this wonderful idea was………………………… Potato Skins. I was stunned. That was it. I went off – what was he thinking? Just potato skins? That’s not a meal! The discussion then ensued. He felt it was acceptable because they have a somewhat sentimental meaning for us and the last time we ate them we filled up on them and other appetizers and didn’t eat our meal. I understood, but just potato skins is not enough. When I thought dinner, I thought a meal, and to me a meal consists of a meat, and at least one side dish. There could be a meal consisting of just appetizers, but this was just one piece of bar food.

We then discussed why I didn’t think the meal of potato skins was appropriate for Valentine’s day. I wanted something romantic, something special. I could have bar food any other night of the week. I didn’t want just potato skins. I wanted a thought out meal. He thought it was stupid that I wanted all these things just because it’s Valentine’s Day. “Girls would rather have okay food that is romantic than delicious food.” I made the point that “romantic” food could also be delicious.

This argument just wasn’t worth it, so we wound up going out for breakfast, and I made dinner. That’s what I get for trying to make him do something he didn’t want to do.

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