Food, Self, and Society

Chocolate covered strawberries, and more…
February 16, 2010, 8:23 pm
Filed under: Ivan

So i was bored at home on Monday night. I had just finished dinner, which was this stew my mom made with potatoes, green beans, and pork. I find this stew to be very healthy and filling, as does my mom. The stew is not what i’ll be writing about though. After the stew, i was in the mood for something sweet. The only problem was that we didn’t have much for dessert. I opened my fridge and i saw strawberries, pineapple, and Land O Lakes whipped cream. I immediately took the pineapple out of the equation. I took out the strawberries and whipped cream, and began to eat. I had about 5 strawberries until i was unsatisfied. I started opening drawers up in my kitchen until i stumbled upon a bag of chocolate chips, BOOM! that was it, i was going to have en extravagant dessert filled with chocolate covered strawberries tonight! I went around in my kitchen searching for a glass bowl and a pan. I put water in the pan, and the glass bowl over the pan, and began heating up the water. Pouring in a generous amount of chocolate chips into the bowl was followed by some milk, vanilla extract, and of course, Nutella. So once the chocolate melted i started the dipping. Once the chocolate had cooled down, i started going around my apartment serving my mom and sister some chocolate covered strawberries as well. Even after I ate them, i STILL wasn’t satisfied ( i have an extremely big sweet tooth). The only food i had left to dip into the chocolate was some whole wheat bread. Surprisingly, i liked the bread with the chocolate more than the strawberries. It might be because i usually dont eat chocolate covered strawberries, and that night i got carried away. I love me some Nutella spread over some fresh bread. It is a breakfast that cannot be beat. Ok, that’s a lie, smack some peanut butter on another piece, slice some banana, and you have yourself a masterpiece.

Nutella, or any chocolate spread, or just melty chocolate in general, is a sweet that you can do many things with. You could make brownies, dip, a drizzle over something, or my favorite, a bread spread. Although my chocolate covered strawberries were a success, nothing can beat a fresh piece of bread, or for me, a couple of pieces of bread, with Nutella spread over, VERY generously, alongside an ice cold glass of milk. This was made for the person that is too busy, or lazy, to make anything else in the morning rush, or for the chocolate lover.

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