Food, Self, and Society

Comments rerouted…
April 19, 2010, 11:25 am
Filed under: General

Just a note to let you know that I’ve enabled comments on this blog (as opposed to rerouting potential commenters to your individual blogs), so now it should be easier for you to comment on each others’ posts. Also, I’ve also added a tag cloud to the navigation bar to the left. Enjoy!

  1.    Jon 04.22.10 @ 11:03 pm      

    i see the “2 comments” link at the bottom of this post on the main page… though i think it’ll probably be 3 when i’m done with this.

  2.    Lauren 04.21.10 @ 10:42 pm      

    Hm. What I hoped would be a revolutionary change has not amounted to much. It looks like pressing on the red “0 comments” link, which now appears after each post, still takes you to the person’s individual blog… and the number of comments here doesn’t seem to update even if there are comments there. Back to the drawing board!

  3.    Jon 04.21.10 @ 10:29 pm      

    thanks for doing all that for us! ๐Ÿ™‚ Just one question – will comments posted on this blog also appear on our individual blogs, or will they only appear here?