BioBlitz Reflection

I had the 6 A.M BioBlitz session at the Botanical Garden. After waking up at 4:30 A.M. and riding on the 1 train, I arrived at the Macaulay Center where we were signed off and sent to the Garden via coach bus.

I was assigned to the Bird section of the session, which was not all too fascinating to someone that did not get much sleep. However, the remaining time was enjoyable enough not only as an educational experience but also as a form of exercise. We split off into three to four man groups and followed along a route. Each time we saw a new bird species, we would record what the species were and how to differentiate the species. We catalogued around 23 different unique species such as the Spotted Sandpiper and the American Goldfinch with its characteristic yellow body and beak. It was actually quite impressive how the group leader was able to identify bird species simply by looking at small details of their frame and size. Even without the binoculars, he was able to point out exactly what the species is and how he knew.

The iNaturalist application is also interesting. I was taking notes on the various kinds of birds and took pictures of anything related. I realized later on in the day that people saw my notes and pictures as they were all synced to my account. These people were able to either suggest species that the bird could be, or tell me to take off photos that are pictures of other people’s pictures. I did not know that this synced account was open to the world, because although my pictures were serious, my notes were both illegible to anyone not with me on the tour, and not highly academic.

All in all, I found the experience interesting and a good form of exercise, almost like hiking in the woods.

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