There’s nothing like the smell of Coney Island on a hot a day with a bustling crowd. You’re either lost in the fresh salty breeze by the pier, or walking through the miscellaneous smells of fast food. While these scents are not as strong an chillier days, you may still get a whiff of a hotdog or smell a trace of a cigarette from a nearby bench.

Some scents included in the Coney Island air, but are not limited to:

  • Freshly grilled hotdogs and greasy french fries from Nathan’s filled the air. The heavy meat and oil wafted from far down the boardwalk.
  • Runners ran passed and sweaty bikers strolled by to reach Nathan’s leaving behind the stagnant smell of sweat.
  • The sweet smell of fluffy cotton candy hit us mixed with shellfish as we passed by Paul’s Daughter. The smell of the sugar reminded me of my childhood days at the carnival.
  • The overwhelming smell of processed sugar filled William’s Candy, making us crave sweets.
  • Coney’s Cones smelled like any other ice cream store: cold with a faint smell of sugar and milk and perhaps a little vanilla underlying.
  • The salty and refreshing smell of ocean water became more pungent as we walked along the pier out toward the sea.
  • A fishy scent emerged from the sea as we we approached the fisherman casting their bate further out on the pier.
  • The smokey smell of tobacco seeped through the air from a near by bench smoker.
  • As we passed the beach bar a sharp smell of alcohol filled our nostrils.