Seminar: Antonio Lynch

Seminar: Antonio Lynch

The first seminar class was an interesting experience for me. It was the first time in a while that I thought about art at all and it was definitely the first time I had ever thought about and discussed art to the extent which we did in class. I must say I enjoyed the class. It was a real eye opener to broader thoughts about what art is and how I can view art. I had never really thought about the definition about art, and although I disagreed with many of my classmates I still enjoyed hearing their opinions as they either made me rethink my own thoughts and perhaps change them or in some instances I disagreed with my classmates so much that it reinforced my previous theory about the topic. I would describe art as Professor French had, as she stated that art is something, which is viewed, and it draws a reaction from people. I would add to that as well, as to me art is a deliberate attempt by someone to praise or even ridicule from someone else for a work of his or hers which they thought out. I do not believe that art would be something like someone doodling in class to pass the time as that is not something which they look to get a reaction from, rather it is a way for them to pass time along and to amuse themselves.

I have never really considered myself much of an artist. I do not do many activities which people would consider those of an artist. I cannot draw at all, I also cannot sing, dance or act very well, and I do not play any instruments. Although I do not consider myself an artist I do enjoy viewing other pieces of art. I enjoy going to plays very much and have never seen a Broadway play that I can honestly say I didn’t like. I also enjoy listening to music and going to concerts. A bit below doing these activities I enjoy going to museums however I am not the biggest fan of paintings or drawings. My favorite pieces of artworks in museums are sculptures and life size dioramas. I enjoy the Museum of Natural History very much for this reason. My favorite piece in the museum is the life size blue whale, which covers an entire room. I find works like that to be beautiful and fascinating as I feel like I relate best to them seeing them in their actual size as well as being 3 dimensional.