Presentation Blog – Stan Lee

            Vincent Bradford Jost II’s presentation really impressed me. Vincent was thorough, well informed and very much seemed to enjoy giving his presentation to the class. Stan Lee has affected me more than I realized and has affected children across the country in major ways. Stan Lee’s characters and stories stood as role models and gave many individuals something to believe in and look forward to.

Vincent’s presentation as a whole, despite some members of the audience being extremely tired, was extremely effective at drawing the audience’s attention and keeping that attention. His usage of interesting pieces of outside information, videos and his presentation’s visuals created an experience some might gladly experience again. Stan Lee’s history was very interesting to learn about, and Vincent did a fantastic job researching every facet of Stan Lee’s life.

I learned many things about Stan Lee and Marvel’s histories during the presentation. There were some interesting things, such as the fact that Stan Lee makes guest appearances in every Marvel movie, and some things that most people wouldn’t know, like the Hulk’s original color. The presentation was fantastic, and Vincent’s creativity and effort did not leave much room for improvement.