Going to the Guggenheim


Despite having a great amount of homework to have, i looked forward to visiting the Guggenheim. It is a museum that I have always wanted to visit but I have never had the opportunity. Besides, a trip into the city with my friends sounded like a fun and much-needed break. Standing outside the iconic building I could not wait to see what was inside- little did I know. I was disappointed to learn that the ramp was closed as it is what the Guggenheim is most known for. Even still I persevered. I found it interesting to see an exhibit being installed and I was still looking forward to viewing some of Robert Mapplethorpe’s photography, until i was told that there was none to see. Being the optimist that I am, I found something else to be excited about- a Kandinsky exhibit. While I do not know much about him, the name sounded familiar and his art seemed interesting. We headed to the fourth floor, planning to work our way down.It was there that we encountered some of the rudest, snobbiest security guards  I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. The entire atmosphere of the gallery was stuffy and pretentious. Needless to say we did not remain in that gallery for long, or in the entire museum for that matter. In fact, I never even got to look at the Kandinsky exhibit.

In spite of all of this, I must admit that I had a good time. The four hours I spent with my friends in my favorite city proved to be quite pleasurable. While there was nothing as exciting as a man with a cat on his head and a lost French man asking for directions in the subway (experiences from our trip to the NAWA gallery), even a bad experience with good friends can become a good one- especially when good food is involved. For a little while I was able to forget about the pile of homework waiting for me on my desk in my room and enjoy all New York City has to offer, even if it isn’t always what you expect it to be.