Guggenheim visit

Last Saturday, I traveled to the Guggenheim Art Museum. Based on my previous excursions to museums this semester, I was excited and hopeful that this trip would be enlightening. However, I was sadly mistaken. When I arrived to the museum, I discovered that half of the exhibits were closed and that it’s famous spiral was under construction. There were only three exhibits that were open and all but one of them were boring. The one exhibit that I had some enjoyment looking at was the Picasso exhibit. Seeing those familiar paintings in real life, face to face, was pretty cool, but it was not enough to redeem the whole trip to the Guggenheim. I plan to return to the Guggenheim one day in the future to hopefully see the place as a whole. This excursion to the museum was an utter disappointment but hopefully in the future, things will be different. photo (2)