Avenue Q (What am I going to do with my BA in English?)


My older sister Brianna first introduced me to Avenue Q when I was 12 years old. That was six years ago, I am currently 18 and I still adore this musical, and it is in the short list of my favorite musicals. However, until last Sunday I had never seen it in the theatre. Now that I have, I can say, that it is amazing. This play perfectly blends the themes of maturity, finding yourself and your purpose in life, moving on, finding love, and living for yourself with bawdy and crass humor and beautiful if sometimes vulgar musical numbers. This is the perfect play to show people who are going through the process of growing up and the transition between childhood and adulthood. Despite how much I love this play the first line always staggers me and makes me reevaluate my life choices.

“What do you do with a Ba in English?” As an English major this has always cut me a little bit. What am I going to do with my life, am I just going to end like Princeton, not knowing what my role in life is or what I’m supposed to do with this worthless diploma. I truly hope not, I want to become an English teacher and help mold the minds of the youth, I also want to become a writer.

On the technical side of things, this was a wonderful musical and I truly enjoyed all of the music and all of the characters. The songs were lovely and they lived up to my romanticized memories. All the actors were excellent and they portrayed the characters expertly. My favorite character was Rod, and my favorite song is and was Schadenfreude.