Tosca, and how I loved Scarpia.

Going to see Tosca at the Met, was an interesting and culturally enriching experience that I am glad I was able to experience. That being said, I wasn’t very invested in this particular opera.I am no opera aficionado, and it isn’t a genre that I am to familiar with, though I have seen a few. I’m not really that big of an opera fan, while I think that the music, the orchestration and the singing were phenomenal and stirringly beautiful, I wasn’t that thrilled with the acting (except for Scarpia, but I will get into that later). I also didn’t really care for the story which I felt was a bit contrived and the characters came off as unintelligent and boring (again, except for Scarpia). Personally I’ve always been much more of a fan of musicals and non-musical plays, I don’t really enjoy opera that much. I find myself more enthralled by witty dialogue and well written song lyrics, when the song is a language that I barely speak, and sung in a way that I can barely understand it than I kind of get lost in the translation. Yes I can read the subtitles and, that did help me follow the plot, (though since I read the play I knew what was going to happen regardless). I didn’t really like the play La Tosca that much either, as I just didn’t like the characters and felt the story was bland and uninteresting. To be perfectly honest I’ve always also felt that way about Romeo and Juliet, which in my opinion is Shakespeare’s weakest play, and most pointless story. The only shining grace throughout this whole ordeal was Scarpia portrayed by George Gagnidze. This performance was a breath of fresh air, Gagnidze was the only performer that I felt could actually act, and the character of Scarpia was the only one that didn’t bore me. No Scarpia is not good, and I can’t really say I like him, but I loved to hate him, he was so detestable and fun. And somehow his lyrics actually managed to engage me with wit and even got me to chuckle a few times. The audience was also a bit pretentious and rude. All in all I’m glad I got to see this but I wouldn’t go again.