Avenue Q

Unlike my earlier post where I was down on seeing Stepz, I was completely looking forward to seeing Avenue Q and everything that went along with the day. I was looking forward to traveling to the city, taking the ferry and subway and seeing all of the different buildings and sights which go along with Manhattan. As for the play itself, I was looking forward to it because my family members had all seen it and had told me how funny it would be. Turns out, they were right, I enjoyed every second of it and found it all hysterical. I thought that the mix between dirty humor and clean was brilliant as well as the topics in the play which all related to both college students and New York City as a whole. The topics such as finding yourself, a place to live, and the thought of sexual orientation are all topics which are seen throughout the city daily. I also enjoyed the fact that the characters were able to make light of all of these situations and turn them into jokes. My favorite part of the show was the song “Everyones a little bit racist” I thought that this topic was funny because it really plays a prevalent role in present day society. People are constantly discussing racism as well as political correctness and this song made a joke of everything which the activist groups believe in. I thoroughly enjoyed everything in the play and every moment of the play. I found it incredibly funny and really liked the different songs in the play. As a whole the day was fantastic as well as anytime I get to venture into the city and get dressed up its a great day. I will definitely say I enjoyed this day more than the Stepz day and will even go as far to rate it a 10/10!avenue q