Humans of New York – Brandon Stanton

Forums Class Discussion Films and photographs Humans of New York – Brandon Stanton

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  • #649
    Sabrina Cohn

    Brandon Stanton stands out to me as a photographer because he has a unique way of presenting his photos. He is very prominent on social media for posting simple pictures of people on the streets of New York and other cities. Along with the picture he usually includes a quote from his subject. His pictures may not initially make a huge impact on the viewer but it is the quotes that really make them special. They add a very personal and relatable touch to the photos. Sometimes New York City can feel impersonal and make a person feel insignificant. Brandon’s work kind of breaks down that barrier and makes you realize that we are all just people with all kinds of interesting stories to share.

    This is just an interesting photo that I think fits in well with this class. It shows the artistic process of an artist drawing the rocks in Central Park. I also included the caption below.
    “When I started, these rocks were bathed in light. Now they’re just shadowy masses. So I have to decide how I want to remember them.”

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