Becoming more than a Traveller

As I advanced down West 32nd St. leaving Penn Station behind me, I entered another cultural niche in the vast city of New York. Stuck in the midst of strangers on the crowded street, my cone of vision could only point upwards. The red, green and yellow signs became more illustrious against the dusky sky with each passing minute; the night was coming. The approaching darkness, the foreign murmur of the pedestrians, the blasting incomprehensible music from the nearby karaoke bar and the incomprehensible bright signs present in my cone of vision made me panic and feel a sense of insecurity. I felt like a novice in the very city, which I spent several years exploring. But I did not quail, for I had yet to accomplish my goal. I still needed to shed my fear of the unknown and explore this foreign setting, because I wanted to take a further step in becoming a better New Yorker. Maybe then, I would not feel like a traveller anymore.

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