Real Sweetness…

I was flying along with a few other friends of mine. A yellow colored leaf flew by me. I looked down and realized that it was already fall. I felt glad and welcomed by the yellow, orange, red, brown and green leaves on the tree. My friends were apprehensive about my excitement to spend time around the place. I really wanted to eavesdrop and find out what people felt about my spirit, the spirit of mélange. My friends thought I would be disillusioned and wanted to take me away. They however accompanied me. We saw  differently colored and dressed people sitting together. I felt proud and accomplished that I was the reason we were witnessing people of different ethnicities sitting together and enjoying themselves unlike what my friends expected. All of us took a drink at the fountain. It tasted sweeter than the fountain in our Elysian lawns. I told my friends that the reason was the love for me by those she is sitting around. Though they could not see or feel me, they recognized my presence. They happily accepted me and what I brought to Earth. I told them I would never be disillusioned because They truly love and respecte each other and thus my spirit would always live on. After telling them so I walked out of the victoriously, spreading my magical fragrance and reached the top of the tower. My friends followed me and we continued our journey.

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