The Plaza hotel capitalizes on the experience of luxe. This luxe is meant to appeal to all ages thus cultivating an almost indelible idea of a calculated opulence. The richness we see around us in this hotel, the richness that captivates us has been perfectly molded to all of our notions of what otium is. Otium is a Latin term describing the very relaxed life of a wealthy person. Nonetheless, this sense of otium is not cold or polarizing. Instead, it is warm and inviting. From the palm trees in the palm court bar to Eloise’s tea party room, it is evident that we are being catered to and welcomed.
As you walk into the Eloise store, there are finely designed, well-tailored, extremely stylish coats, dresses, and berets for young girls. The walls are pink and inviting, with books about a girl living a life of adventure in a suite at the Plaza. The light fixtures are made of pink fabric that has been molded into the shape of a cone. The floors are the same checkered black and white of the floors depicted in the children’s book. Eloise the movie plays in the background, she is having tea in one of the elaborate rooms of the Plaza. As a child, this would have been an absolute dream. Eloise’s life is that of otium to a child. She plays, causes a ruckus, has a room filled with intricate toys and enjoys tea parties. This image of luxury is recreated in this room and thus the Plaza is able to appeal to even a child’s sense of sophistication. The image shown above is one of the tea party section of the store. The tea sets have Eloise’s childish scrawl on them, the tables are pink and the walls are lined with China that has Eloise’s cartoon face plastered upon it. While tea parties and fine china evoke a sense of refinement. This refinement is not stiff as is made evident by the childlike influences within the tea party space. The sophistication here is fun. This reflects the general essence of the Plaza, how its grand architecture and beautiful high ceilings and grand staircases interact with the selling and buying of luxury goods and fine food from all cultures. There is an overwhelming sense of unabashed indulgence that can be viewed as fun.
Our ideas of wealth and indulgence are being shown to us but with a twist of welcoming lighthearted pleasure.