Dear Amelia,
How long has it been my good friend since we have spoken? Are you and James doing well? How is your baby doing? I am sure you have been hearing about my paintings by now, they are all over Paris. Remember when I used to critique paintings and you would laugh at how absurd I was being, well now I’m being paid to do it! Sometimes I am rather harsh, but you know that’s how I am with myself as well.
Some paintings really draw me such as Vetheuil in the Fog by Claude Monet. Monet brilliantly uses shading techniques along with various textures to really bring the painting to life. I couldn’t stop staring at the painting and practically had to be dragged away from it. Have you seen Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s paintings? They are also fine works of art. One of his paintings, Girl with a Hoop, stood out to me for it seemed a little different from the other paintings I was looking at. Pierre seemed to use thick brushstrokes to really bring out the natural aspect of the background while using a combination of harsh and gentle lines to portray the girl. While Pierre focused on leisure and worked with a carefree hand, other artists of his time were focusing on existential themes.
You should come to Paris sometime! Oh how I miss those old days where we went to museums and judged paintings for fun (although we didn’t even know what we were doing those days). I know you’ll probably write me back and tell me to come to America, but Amelia you have yet to experience paintings such as Street, Berlin by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. This isn’t usually the painting that I would be dealing with, but the unique colors, jagged lines, and distorted picture are all so fascinating.
Taking inspiration from all these paintings, my new art form has become known all over Paris. I took unique colors, thick brushstrokes, and attempted to imitate Monet’s shading to create pieces that were not only mine, but also parts of others. My focus wasn’t a single focus, but it touched on many issues involving all the things we used to discuss, women’s rights, race, fashion, love, and many of the social issues we are dealing with currently. Heartbreak was also a big theme of my paintings as you know what happened between Jon and I, nevertheless I explore all these elements in my paintings and I hope to share them with you once you come (yes I am assuming again, but I know you won’t let me down). Give your baby a kiss from me and I hope everything goes well for you!